Friday, May 8, 2009

3 Ways to Be More Spiritual in Daily Life

I've been thinking of ways to do more spiritual things but still Jewish things. Not just for holidays or Shabbat, but for daily life. I enjoy praying, but these are going to be other things you can do to be more spiritual on a day to day basis.

1. First Breath - When you wake in the morning and take your first breaths, think about how beautiful the day is going to be. Think about how you have the opportunity to greatness.

2. Take 5 Minutes - Taking five minutes out of the day to just appreciate what you have around you. May it be health, friends, family, or even just a really delicious burrito, taking a minute to think about where it came from can really put a sense of awe into the moment.

3. Life Lessons - With every little thing that happens to you during the day, there is a lesson to learn.  Take time to reflect on those little lessons.  Those lessons connect you to a greater reality full of life lessons.

I hope all this helps you all become a little bit more spiritual.

Jeremy Markiz